Hello I'm

ankie lee

I am 8+ years old. I am scared of the dark, and I am used to turning on my bed light while sleeping. The only thing I am proud of myself is I have never had jetlag. One of my favorite activities is to jot down notes while watching TV, it makes my day always.

Sharing is Caring

I’ve come to believe that the simple formula for happiness and success in life lies in caring about others, helping them in any way we can, and sharing what we have. To start with this, I stopped investing my time only in ‘me’ activities and began doing ‘we’ activities.


The people living together in the same house

This is my family. My pretty mom Coey, silly dad Eric, whiny brother Blake, and bossy me Ankie

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I can't wait to have my term break soon

I love to take airplanes going everywhere, and it's always a miracle experience

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I like my QBS school

This is the place for developing my academics, abilities, knowledge, and understanding of the world.

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My best friends forever

I like to play with my friends all day long.

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